Support Children's safety and independence

We provide food, clothing, housing and opportunity of education for street children facing difficulties such as human trafficking, abuse and child neglect in Cambodia and The Philippines, and we protect them in “Wakamono-no-Ie (House for Youth)”.
We accept street children and provide food, basic education, edificatory education and first aid also at our Drop-in center in Dhaka, capital city of Bangladesh. We aim to create a comfortable place where children can get love and care.


Providing youth with protection and support for economic independence; Assisting communities in slum areas

 Time Period: July 2001 – ongoing

■ Locations: Quezon City Payatas; Caloocan South; Caloocan North Guadanoville; and Bagong Silang in Metropolitan Manila

■ Beneficiaries: Approximately 1,000 children and young adults aged 6-22 and their parents

■ Partners and Affiliated Organizations: ITOCHU Corporation; Sekisui House, Ltd. “Sekisui House Matching Program”; Warehouse TERRADA; Mitsui Direct Insurance Smile Fund; Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD); and Department of Education

In the Philippines, the second country where KnK started NGO activities, KnK focuses on supporting and protecting disadvantaged children including street children and youth in the areas suffering the worst poverty in the nation.

KnK’s complete and ongoing programs, including House for Youth and community-based programs such as the alternative learning system (non-formal education), “Street” programs, activities at the jails or detention centers for juveniles in the suburbs of Manila, and “Income Generating Activities” are all in favour of marginalized children, youth and other groups of population.

KnK works in Bagong Silang, one of the biggest slums in Asia, and Payatas, the slum hosting the infamous “Smoky Mountain”. “Smokey Mountain” is a huge open-air dumpsite where thousands of people recover and dispatch still-usable items from the rubbish transferred from Metro Manila, the megalopolis with nearly 20 million inhabitants.

KnK is a social welfare agency registered with and licensed by the Department of Social Welfare Development and one of the member NGOs of the Regional Juvenile Justice and Welfare Committee of the national capital region. KnK is the only the NGO with a rehabilitation center for children in conflict with the law in the national capital region.

With the assistance of the Macapagal-Arroyo government, KnK works successfully with a network of NGOs to prevent children from being detained in adult jails and is continuously working to achieve recognition of children’s full rights.

Children below age 15 are accepted at KnK’s House for Youth, a shelter located in Guadanoville, a suburban town of Bagong Silang. The House also offers the communities IGA projects and vocational training in sewing, computers, and so on.

Around 40 to 50 children and youth participate in daily alternative activities at Payatas’s KnK Center. More than 100 youth participate in alternative activities offered in Bagong Silang.

The street educator team directly serves street children at a number of parks and cemeteries and on the streets in northwest Metro Manila.

The team consists of 12 to 15 core staff members, plus a large number of volunteers, trainees, parents and members of different communities.

KnK Philippines was established and registered in 2007 as a local Non-Governmental Organization (NGO).

KnK Philippines has efficiently provided assistance to the survivors of natural disasters, including typhoon Ondoy in 2009 and the most devastating typhoon Haiyan in 2013-2014.